Huntingdon Celebrates Homecoming Weekend


News Release

October 16, 2023
For more information, contact:
Dr. Anthony Leigh,

Huntingdon Celebrates Homecoming Weekend

Montgomery, Ala. – On October 13 and 14, 数百名十大菠菜靠谱平台校友回到母校庆祝2023年十大菠菜靠谱平台返校节.  Beautiful skies added to the festive atmosphere for a weekend of reunions, special recognitions, 以及数百名游客第一次体验十大菠菜靠谱平台的机会. Here’s a recap of the weekend experience.

Heart of Huntingdon Campaign Launch

On Friday, Ligon Chapel was full as Huntingdon President J. Cameron West announced the launch of the Heart of Huntingdon Campaign, 这是一项1700万美元的筹款活动,目的是在十大菠菜靠谱平台校园的中心建造一个健康中心.  Once completed, 该项目位于Pratt and Hanson Hall现有的位置,将包括校园内的第三个体育馆, a strength and conditioning facility, an indoor walking track, and an outdoor swimming pool. For more information about the Heart of Huntingdon campaign, please visit

Golden Hawks Luncheon

茱莉亚·拉塞尔餐厅里,数十名金鹰队队员走过回忆的小路,享受着罂粟籽鸡肉砂锅的自助餐, green beans, fresh salad, and an assortment of pecan pies and pound cakes.  金鹰午宴将毕业50年以上的校友聚集在一起,共同回忆往事,增进友谊.  There was an especially large number of graduates from the classes of 1963, 1968 and 1973 celebrating their 60th, 55th and 50th class reunions, respectively.

Alumni Awards Ceremony

周五下午,八位杰出的校友在利根教堂被授予2023年校友奖.  The following individuals were honored as part of this occasion:

  • Dr. Jacqueline Trimble ’83, Alumni Achievement in the Arts Award.
  • Dr. Leah Nesbitt Kottyan ’05, Alumni Achievement in the Sciences Award.
  • Dr. William “Sonny” Bozeman ’67, Alumni Achievement in Education Award.
  • 1983年特里·穆尔校友法律和公共服务奖.
  • Mrs. Lucinda Smilie Chappelle ’79, Alumni Achievement in Business Award.
  • Rev. Emily Dueitt Kincaid ’06, Alumni Achievement in Religion Award.
  • Mrs. Amy Woodard Klugh ’96, Alumni Loyalty Award.
  • Dr. Dexter Dean ’13, Outstanding Young Alumni Award.

Fall Meeting of the Alumni Board

校友会主席Drew Harrell 11年主持了校友会秋季会议.  The Board had an opportunity to hear from Senior Vice President Dr. 安东尼·利谈到了2023年秋季招生的强劲势头和十大菠菜靠谱平台之心运动的筹款活动. He reported that $8.5 million of the $17 million fundraising goal has been achieved.  The Alumni Board represents alumni of all decades.

Scarlet and Grey Soiree

The Montgomery Country Club played host to a fun evening of music, cocktails, dinner and conversation for many alumni of the 1960s and 1970s.  一些1968届的学生和朋友们冒险去玛丽·乔治·杰斯特的家参加一个庆生派对.

Young Alumni Gathering

周五晚些时候,年轻的老鹰队挤满了美景大道上的Moe ' s BBQ,而瑞德·巴特勒和朋友们则为所有人演奏了歌曲.  校友办公室很高兴有几位长曲棍球校友能够在长曲棍球校友比赛后参加活动,而不必去急诊室.

Preview Day

On Saturday, 作为秋季学期第一个预习日的一部分,招生办公室为150多名未来的学生和他们的家人铺上了猩红色的地毯. 在商会的天气里,友好的学生导游带领我们的特别访客参观了校园.  If you know a student who would be a good fit for Huntingdon, please encourage them to attend the next Preview Day on November 11.

Athletic Hall of Fame

周六上午,罗兰竞技场的体育名人堂墙上增加了五块新的牌匾.  Inducted into the class of 2023 were Jeff Hall ’86, Juliette Harp ’18, Ira Mitchell ’69, Anthony White ’17 and Jakob Works ’16.  Many family members, friends, 前队友和现在的学生运动员都在现场向这五位伟大的老鹰队的运动成就致敬.

Pre-Game Tailgate Party

几十年前的鹰派人士聚集在蒙哥马利乡村俱乐部(Montgomery Country Club)楼上的房间里,参加赛前的车尾派对.  猩红色和灰色的横幅和三角旗宣布我们学院的四个历史悠久的名字-塔斯基吉女子学院, Alabama Conference Female College, Woman’s College of Alabama, and Huntingdon – were prominently displayed throughout.  Friends were reunited, sliders and chicken fingers were devoured, lots of pictures were taken, 在冒险去看足球和校园足球比赛之前,所有人都度过了一段美好的时光.

Huntingdon Men’s Soccer Senior Day

Prior to the start of the men’s soccer game against Berea, Huntingdon honored nine seniors for their service to the program. We congratulate Davis Edwards, Sy Garrett, Sebastian Guerrero, A.J. Jonas, Liam Kearns, Nathaniel Smith, Robert Wejroch, Tyler Wilson, and Alec Wojak and wish them well in the rest of their season, their senior year at Huntingdon, and life beyond the College.

Royal Hawks

在足球比赛中场休息时,23名十大菠菜靠谱平台学生站在足球场上,作为2023年返校节球场的一部分.  Nevaeh McIntyre ’24 of Pelham, Alabama, was crowned Homecoming Queen.  Walt Williams ’24 of Boaz, Alabama, was named Mr. Huntingdon.  15名前五月皇后和返校皇后与23岁的亨特·瓦尔一起加入了法庭, the 2022 Mr. Huntingdon.

Huntingdon Soars Past Maryville

In a back and forth battle against conference rival Maryville, 十大菠菜靠谱平台橄榄球队在拥挤的观众面前以28比21赢得了返校节足球赛. James Samford, Jr. Stadium.  第四节末段,24岁的泰勒·英格伦(Tyler England)在一次界外球中触地得分,帮助老鹰取得领先并取得胜利.  Casey Peppers ’24 set the all-time school record for tackles in a career.  The Huntingdon Marching Scarlet and Grey sounded great, the Huntingdon cheerleaders added energy on the sidelines, and the endzones were full of tailgates and highly spirited Hawks.

Wrestling Intrasquad Meet

周六下午晚些时候,十大菠菜靠谱平台摔跤队的男女选手在一场场内比赛中进行了面对面的较量. Their competition seasons will kick off in November.

Spirit Cup Winner

十大菠菜靠谱平台希腊组织为一年一度的返校精神杯比赛了整整一周.  各机构因参与当地传教团的卫生用品供应活动而获得积分, displaying spirit banners, attending the Monday night karaoke party, Tuesday Night Worship, Wednesday night trivia, and Hawk Madness on Thursday evening.  祝贺Lambda Chi Alpha的队员们在返校周期间表现出的巨大精神以及获得2023年精神杯.

Huntingdon College, founded in 1854, continues a legacy of faith, wisdom, 并通过以联合卫理公会教堂的犹太教-基督教遗产为基础的文科学术传统提供服务.


Huntingdon College, in accordance with Title IX and Section 106.根据1972年教育修正案第九条,2020年最终规则第8条, other applicable federal and state law, and stated College policy, prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex.  Similarly, it prohibits discrimination on the basis of actual or perceived race, color, ethnicity, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, disability, religion, age and/or national origin in its education program

Dr. Anthony J. Leigh

Dr. Anthony J. Leigh

Senior Vice President for Student and Institutional Development; Dean of Students
(334) 833-4528 |

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